Anuman Rajadhon, Phraya's books list

No.TitlePublish Year
1.The Traditional Culture of Thailand & Its Revival and Survival, from Essays on Thai Folklore1968
2.The Nature and Development of the Thai Language, from Essays on Thai Folklore1968
3.Thet-Maha-Chat, from Essays on Thai Folklore1968
4.The Story of Thai Marriage Custom, from Essays on Thai Folklore1968
5.Thai Literature, from Essays on Thai Folkore1968
6.Thai Language, from Essays on Thai Folklore1968
7.Fertility Rites in Thailand, from Essays in Thai Folklore1968
8.Luck-Measurement in Thailand, from Essays on Thai Folklore1968
9.Swasdi Raksa, from Essays on Thai Folklore1968
10.A Study on Thai Folk Tale, from Essays on Thai Folklore1968
11.The Khwan and its Ceremonies, from Essays on Thai Folklore1968
12.Data on Conditoned Poison (A Folklore Study), from Essays on Thai Folklore1968
13.Thai Charms and Amulets1964